

This award recognises a great place, street or neighbourhood. Great places have a true sense of place, cultural and historical interest, community involvement and a vision for tomorrow. A great place is one that attracts, inspires and motivates people. It has a great atmosphere. It’s a place that people are proud of. It sparks an individual sense of pride and contributes to the overall community wellbeing. It brings people together whether to eat, drink, sleep, play or work.

A great place might be a single building, a precinct or a neighbourhood.

It is awarded for a place that demonstrates a significant achievement for an area, either a single community or a geographic region, in accomplishing positive changes as a result of planning. It should demonstrate the implementation from plan to place that makes an outstanding contribution to advancing planning practice.

This award recognises achievement on the ground. It sees a plan come to life and result in a quality planning outcome. The place should be a physical place enjoyed by people and communities. Projects in rural, peri-urban and regional areas, in addition to urban areas, are encouraged to nominate.

Nominations should address the relevance of the project to one or more planning interest such as urban and regional planning, social planning, environmental planning, transport planning, urban design, economic development planning and/or planning law.


Nominations may be made by a member of the public or an individual or organisation engaged in planning practice.

Nominated places should be operational / functioning for at least 12 months prior to nominating for this Award.

Selection Criteria

Nominations should address how the objective of the award responds to the following selection criteria:

  • Originality & Innovation - Demonstrate how the nomination presents a visionary approach or innovative concept to address a specific need or issue.
  • Quality - Demonstrate how the nomination achieved a very high quality outcome.
  • Strategic Alignment - Demonstrate how the nomination aligns with a planning matter of local, regional, state/territory or national significance. Outline how the nomination advances the importance of planning.
  • Implementation & Transferability - Demonstrate how the nomination will be/or has been successfully implemented including a summary of the benefits. Outline how the nomination has potential application for others and how the use of the nomination’s elements and methodology can further the cause of good planning.
  • Collaboration - Demonstrate how the engagement techniques and methods for the nominated project were appropriate, meaningful and applicable. Outline how the techniques contributed to a positive outcome.

Compulsory Materials


All entries are to be in electronic format only and must include:

  • Nomination Statement - maximum of 5 x A4 pages (which is approximately 2500 words) in a suitable sized font. There is no minimum number of words, however, the nomination statement must address the selection criteria and outline the key issues and ideas addressed in the project and the key contribution the project makes to best/leading practice and learning for the planning profession.
  • Project Summary – which includes an abstract of no more than 250 words using the Project Summary Sheet for use in award promotions and media. If you haven't done so yet, download the Project Summary Template.

Additional supplementary material may be submitted electronically where it is the subject of the nomination. Examples include: a book, PhD thesis, strategic plan, framework document. However, the judges will refer primarily to the Nomination Statement.

Consent and licenses

  • Proof of Consent to enter the Nomination into the Awards is required from the client/initiating body and all other entities involved in the project. Download a Proof of Consent Form.
  • Licenses from copyright/intellectual property/moral rights holders are required so 老澳门六合彩图库 can reproduce, exhibit, publish or communicate the specific words, images, plans, illustrations, and all other material you submit with the Nomination. You may already have the license to grant 老澳门六合彩图库 use of the material (it may have been covered in your contracts with the client/initiator and other entities), in which case no license forms are needed. Otherwise, rights holders should complete a license form to accompany the Nomination. If you do not provide any license forms, you are warranting that you already have license to grant 老澳门六合彩图库 use of all the materials you provide. Download a Materials License, Attribution and Schedule Form.


A minimum of five (5) high quality images of the project are required for promotional purposes. Images embedded in the Nomination Statement must also be provided as standalone image files.

Image file names should succinctly describe the subject matter. For example ‘louise street piazza open day.jpg’ , not ‘IMG00023.jpg’

The basic minimum requirements for electronic images are:

  • File format: *.jpeg or *.png
  • Resolution: 300ppi;
  • Dimensions: ideally 1920px x 1080px
  • Size: 5MB max.
  • No special characters/symbols in file names (e.g. +!@)